The trombone section of the MSU Spartan Marching Band asked for a logo design. Using a photo of the section’s iconic “bones aloft” cheer, I created a vector logo to use across a variety of projects.
As director for seven years, and assistant director seven years before that, I worked with a team to brainstorm a workshop theme, then created a marketing campaign. 2018’s theme focused on the power of journalism in society.
At conferences and events, we interacted with attendees by starting a conversation about their role in student media. They left with one of more of these cards as a takeaway. The backside of the cards contained registration information.
A local church needed an engaging, simple way to communicate with its socially-distanced congregation during COVID. This easy-to-nagivgate PDF was a perfect solution.
For 21 weeks of the pandemic, I hosted a live trivia game on Facebook called “Live Baby Live!” Each week featured a different theme, and I created 21 accompanying logos and Facebook events. Here’s a sampling.
The drama club asked for graphics to promote their upcoming season. For the most part, these are created using a combination of stock vector art and original typography and pen tooling.